Tuesday, 28 June 2022

A Comprehensive Guide to Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening in White Plains, New York, is the process of examining a woman's breasts for cancer before she exhibits any signs or symptoms of the disease. All women should be informed about the appropriate screening options for them by their health care practitioner. Informed and shared decision-making occurs when you are informed about the advantages and risks of screening and decide with your health care provider if screening is suitable for you—and, if so, when to undergo it.

Although cancer screening cannot prevent it, it can help detect it early, when it is simpler to go for breast cancer treatment in White Plains, New York. Discuss with your doctor which breast cancer screening tests are appropriate for you and when you should undergo them.

1- Mammogram

Mammograms are a kind of breast X-ray used for breast cancer screening in White Plains, New York. Mammograms are, for many women, the best technique to detect breast cancer early, when it is less difficult to cure, and before it becomes large enough to feel or produce symptoms. Regular mammograms can lessen the risk of breast cancer-related death.

For most women of screening age right now, mammography is the best method of detecting breast cancer.

2- Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast (MRI):

Women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer are screened using a breast MRI in addition to mammography. In a breast MRI, radio waves and magnets are used to take images of the breast. MRI of the breast is not usually used for women at average risk because they may show abnormalities even in the absence of cancer.


It can be easier to spot signs like lumps, soreness, or size changes that may cause concern if you are familiar with the way your breasts feel and appear. Changes discovered during a breast self-exam may be among them. Any changes you detect should be mentioned to your physician or other healthcare professional for breast cancer treatment in White Plains, New York.

To know more details about Maternity doctor in White Plains New York please visit our website: wphospital.org

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